Here you will find a full list of the projects which are currently being developed by the National Geological Mapping Program specialist teams, which soon will be published. Each one has a "Project Sheet" where you will find general information of the study, the work team, the associated products, and its publishing date. You can search and filter the list by "Unit" (equivalent to the project theme) and "Region" in Chile.
Regional Geology Unit
Estructura y peligros asociados a la Falla San Vicente, Talcahuano, Región del Biobio
Geochemistry Unit
Base de datos geoquímicos de la Hoja Antofagasta, Región de Antofagasta
Regional Geology Unit
Carta Los Vilos-Illapel, Región de Coquimbo
Regional Geology Unit
Carta Codpa, Región de Arica y Parinacota
Geochemistry Unit
Mapa geoquímico de sedimentos de la Hoja Vallenar, Región de Atacama
Regional Geology Unit
Geología del área Cordillera Doña Rosa-Paso de Los Azules, Región de Coquimbo
Regional Geology Unit
Geología del área Concepción – Talcahuano, Región del Biobio
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