Project information
- Estimated year of publication 2022
- Unit/Program Geología General, Geología Regional
- Region Atacama Region
- Professionals Naranjo, J.A.; Quezada, A.; Cádiz, N.; Hevia, F.; Troncoso, R.; Lienlaf, M.
Key words
Andean salars, Antofagasta-Atacama, sulfate, carbonates, ignimbrite, calderas
Overall Aim
- Study the new antecedents, mainly derived from the geological cartography of the PNG, about the characteristics of the geology of the environment of some salars in northern Chile, in order to reconstruct the paleogeography / geology / palaeo-stratigraphy of these basins.
- Establish a global model for the genesis of the northern Chilean salars.
Specific objectives
- Establish a genetic model for some salars in northern Chile, linking them with geological processes of regional importance in the southern central Andes: volcanism and tectonics.
- Generate a scientific publication that disseminates these results.
Expected products
Informe Registrado y artículo científico.
Mapa de Avances de Muestreo
Project foundation
Most of the research carried out in the Central Andes salars has focused on studying the economic potential of the salars present in Chilean territory due to the growing interest in lithium as a strategic chemical element in the national and world economy. In this context, this research is based on the need to establish updated geological parameters regarding the genesis of the Andean salars of the Chilean territory, allowing a better understanding of their origin and distribution in the north of Chile. For this, specific study cases have been selected, located between the Antofagasta and Atacama regions. A large part of the work is also based on compiling the large volume of information obtained in the geological mapping of the National Geology Plan (PNG), which is being complemented with remote and terrain observations that allow the analysis of common geological elements in the following salars:
01- Pajonales
02- Laguna de la Azufrera
03- Pajonales sur
04- Azufrera
05- Agua Amarga
06- Aguilar
07- La Isla
08- Parinas
09- Grande
10- Pedernales
11- Piedra Parada
It is contemplated to carry out three field surveys, in order to carry out additional geological observations that help to conceptualize the compiled information, especially in terms of stratigraphic and geomorphological elements.
This work includes a 35-month development stage (July 2018-July 2021), added to a subsequent editorial process.