Project file

Geophysical study of the Pudeto River basin, Los Lagos Region.

Project information

  • Estimated year of publication 2021
  • Unit/Program Geología General, Geofísica
  • Region Región de Los Lagos.
  • Professionals D. Cáceres
Key words

Geofísica, Cuenca del Río Pudeto, Acuíferos.

Overall Aim

Study of the subsoil by the Transient Electromagnetic Method (TEM).

Specific objectives

The aim of this study is to know the depth distribution of the electrical resistivity using the TEM and to be able to determine the characteristic layers of the Ancud subsoil.

Expected products

Technical Report.

Mapa de Avances de Muestreo

Project foundation

The aim of this study is to determine potential groundwater levels and saline introduction. With this information we can estimate the depth at which the aquifer is and its capacity. Moreover, if signs of marine presence are found in the aquifer, safe actions can be taken by the community to avoid damaging the system.