Here you will find a full list of all the National Geological Mapping Program publications from the year 2011 up until now. By clicking on each one, it will redirect you straight to the official SERNAGEOMIN website SERNAGEOMIN Store where you can access the download or purchase of that product. You can search and filter the list by "Unit" (equivalent to the project theme), "Region" in Chile, and publishing "Year".
Regional Geology Unit
Geología del Complejo Volcánico Lastarria.
Departamento: Geología General 2010
Regional Geology Unit
Geología del Área Puerto Ingeniero Ibáñez-Villa Cerro Castillo.
Departamento: Geología General 2010
Regional Geology Unit
Geología del Área Bahía Murta-Cerro Sin Nombre.
Departamento: Geología General 2010
Regional Geology Unit
Geología del Área Rancagua-San Vicente de Tagua-Tagua.
Departamento: Geología General 2009
Geochemistry Unit
Estudio mineralógico y geoquímico del sistema fluvial del río Rapel. VI Región, Chile.
Departamento: Geología General 2008
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