Inicia Ciclo de Geocharlas de la Subdirección Nacional de Geología

Este miércoles 10 de abril, la Subdirección Nacional de Geología de Sernageomin inicia el Ciclo de Geocharlas (online) que será una muestra de lo que presentó la institución en el Congreso Geológico chileno 2023, abierto a todo público.

Inicia Ciclo de Geocharlas de la Subdirección Nacional de Geología

Día del agua 2024: Agua para la paz, contribuyendo a un futuro mejor

Como parte de las actividades en torno al Día Mundial del Agua, el día 22 de marzo, la Unidad de Hidrogeología del Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería, Sernageomin, participó de la instancia convocada por Conaphi, Chile.

Día del agua 2024: Agua para la paz, contribuyendo a un futuro mejor

Un mar allá arriba en la cordillera

No es raro encontrar fósiles en la cordillera. Pero ¿cómo llegan estos fósiles marinos allá?

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Geositios chilenos de importancia mundial

El campo geotermal del Tatio, los puquios del salar de Llamará y el Complejo Intrusivo de las Torres del Paine fueron reconocidos por IUGS y UNESCO dentro de los 100 geositios más importantes del mundo.

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Nuevo video “La vida del clasto”

En este nuevo capítulo de la serie animada “Geólogos”, un nuevo personaje, Clasto, formado y forjado por procesos geológicos, descubre que su vida no está destinada a solo rodar y rodar.

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The National Geological Mapping Program (NGMP) is a programmatic initiative developed by the General Geology Department at the SERNAGEOMIN (National Geology and Mining Service) National Sub-direction of Geology, whose main goal is to provide the state of Chile with the geoscientific knowledge of the national territory required for the sustainable development of the country in pursuit of the well-being and security of the population.

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We invite you to meet the work of the Technical Units that constitutes the General Geology Department and develop several projects addressed by the National Geological Mapping Geology. Furthermore, in this section you can access the developing projects at each unit and the latter published products .


This new map service will allow you to dynamically access in a geospatial format the National Geological Mapping Program relative content products published and in development by its professional team. Through the use of the available tools on this new platform, you will be able to display the content location through the "grids" geographical distribution, at different scales (1:100,000 and 1:250,000; defined by the Geographic Military Institute of Chile, called "sheets" and "nappes", respectively), used for mapmaking elaboration.

Select a theme: Regional Geology, Geochemistry or Geophysics, and the available content for each theme will be displayed. Green results show the published products, while yellow results are in development.

As well as the link, you can access the product information from a pop-up window that will take you to the available related resource, where documents, maps, databases and/or GIS products (depending on the type of searched product) are found. There you can download some products for free or purchase others from the E-Maps platform.

Moreover, in this viewer you will find georeferenced scientific papers and conference summaries published by PNG professionals in the past few years (located in an approximate geographical position regarding the content).

For further information, on the website you can review the Products and Projects en sus respectivas secciones en la página web y, en la sección de Multimedia descargar una base de datos con ambos listados completos. De la misma forma, puedes descargar el listado de publicaciones científicas here and the conference summaries here. For the summaries, the databases include the links to the publishing houses and for their download.

If you wish to do an advanced search and access more geological content themes, with online tools you can access the official SERNAGEOMIN website, Portal GEOMIN.